
Heart, Soul, and Rough Edges — A Gypsy Journey of Words and Wonder

Archive for the tag “Scanner Daybook”

Make Visible: Capture Your Ideas

This post was inspired by Michele’s wonderful post:  Never Forget Your Dreams.

If you capture your ideas you’ll actually have more of them.  For one thing, you will have a record of the ideas you do have! This applies to writing, art and even things like organizing your garage.  I use a Scanner Daybook (from Barbara Sher’s Refuse to Choose) for my craft, organization, school, and other ideas.  Some pages below:

100 Dreams

Click on photo to enlarge.

For writing ideas I have a small notebook in my purse, but any piece of scratch paper will do.  Then I transfer the writing ideas to 4 x 6 notecards that I keep in a “recipe” box.  I also keep notes on my computer desktop using Stickies (a computerized version of yellow sticky notes).  Other methods of capturing your ideas include leaving pens and notepads around the house, using voice-activated software for computer, voice recorders or saving notes on your phone or blackberry.

Why capture your ideas?  Not only will you have a record of ideas that you can refer to later for inspiration or planning;  you will free your brain up from trying to remember them.  This leaves you space to use your imagination and bring your ideas to fruition in the form of a story, artwork or clean garage.  🙂

Embroidery Ideas
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